Garden Surveys
Trigon Surveys provides a survey service specifically for the needs of Landscape Architects and Garden Designers, a number of whom we work with on a regular basis
Gardens of any size, from a small urban rear garden, to a rural one of several acres can be accommodated.
Garden surveys cater for the particular needs of the landscape designers who have been engaged to remodel existing gardens, and provide highly detailed information for them on, for example, surface descriptions (lawn/flower bed etc.) large trees and their canopy lines, small trees, shrubs, planting areas, vegetable beds, paths, patios, steps, planters, retaining walls, hedges, fences and feature walls (with heights), ornaments, gazebos,ponds and water features, swimming pools, outbuildings, as well as level and contour information (if required).
Vaughan solved my brief right on point. Really professionally, on time and really constructive about the job. Would not hesitate to recommend him and look forward to an opportunity to instruct him again.
In addition, window and door positions on the main building, house or bungalow, together with cill and threshold levels, are reported on the survey as these critically inform the designer from where the redesigned garden will be viewed from indoors. These can be seen on some of the pdf examples attached.
Garden surveys are often orientated so as to align in sympathy with the paper it will be plotted on, rather than to north, and thereby create a large and accessible canvas at the chosen scale for the designer to work on.
In the above ways, a garden design differs from a standard topographical survey which may not contain information in the same degree of detail, and, in addition, may contain information that is of no specific interest to the landscape designer.
Click the images below to view example plans: